A Streetwear Brand Based On Numbers

Stronger In Numbers

There is Power In Numbers

More than just clothing, yet a statement, a movement, and a reminder to THINK deeper, live healthier, and embrace the essence of who you are and where broke/n/umbers celebrates the language within numbers. Numbers have been the universal language since the beginning of mankind. Numbers play a crucial role in various aspects of our lives and have significant importance in multiple domains. Here at broke/n/umbers, we honor numbers and their significance, but we hold them at a higher standard in that we are “more than just a number”.

Break The Mold

Define Your Story

A majority of people relate to numbers in various personal ways, whether it’s a birthday, lucky numbers, sports idols, anniversaries, Angel numbers, numerology, and the long list of global numeral systems just goes on. The meanings that people give numbers, and the number combinations that exist are infinite.  In essence, “more than just a number” invites us to look beyond quantitative measures and appreciate the complexity, richness, and inherent value that lies beneath the surface. It encourages us to consider the qualitative aspects, individual stories, and unique attributes that make each person, experience, or achievement truly remarkable.